Friday, June 27, 2008

Alleged bone and spine issues with Vioxx and Fosamax

This is the very first POST, just to get the VIOXX- FOSAMAX - fone and spine issues alleged blog site going. Much information will be provided on what you should know about these two medications - whether you took them in the past (we all know Vioxx was pulled from the market; and there are concerns about past and current FOSAMAX usage) - we will be discussing and letting you know of the potential - alleged dangers.

There will be many articles that you will be directed to. There will be real stories, by real people, who have allgedly by damaged by Vioxx or Fosamax, and then you and your physician should understand the pros and cons of these medications. By the way, since Celebrex is in the same "family" of chemistry as Vioxx, the info you will read about Vioxx - MAY be applicable with Celebrex - however, that is an item that is still under debate. You will be presented with the facts, and you will need to decide. Hopefully, with the information provided, you will make an informed decision, something which apparently you cannot do with the manufacturers.

For the meantime, till further notice, anyone finding their way here, that has any questions that this BLOG may be helpful with, please feel free to ask and maybe jump start this blog. There will, also be plenty of infomration provided, with many informative links.



HAVE you seen this articles?

REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE (for example on improper bone and spine healing because, allegedly of Vioxx usage) ; DEAD JAW potentially from the use of FOSAMAX; other bones or spine areas subsceptilbe to problems allegedly from these drugs).



These kind of ideas, questions, links, etc. will be plentiful. I'll start off very soon with my own story on how Vioxx allegedly ruined two of my operations, and changed my life for the much worse, forever. Give me a day or two...

Dennis Harrison

more to come very soon - anything in the meantime, please POST. Thank You.